The Smartest Logistics Hiring Platform

Our economy runs on logistics. Make sure you hire the right people to keep it on track.

Logistics is complicated. Hiring shouldn’t be.

Logistics requires a diverse range of skills, from driving and warehouse management to supply chain optimization and data analysis. Finding candidates with the right blend of skills, especially those relating to new technologies, can be difficult. There is often a skills gap, particularly in middle and senior management positions.

Logistics should be a well-oiled machine. We’l help you find the right candidates that fit what you need.

Our technology filters for:

  • Specialize skills matching
  • Compliance and certification matching
  • Geographic needs
  • Language requirements
  • Safety records
  • More

They’re out there. We’ll find ‘em for you.

BC-Agent: Because experience and skills are not always equal

There are a lot of applicants for your roles. They might have years of experience in logistics, but that doesn’t mean they have the skills for your role. So how do you separate the signal from the noise?

With BC-Agent, you can. Our AI system pulls relevant skills out of resumes, helping you find keywords, certifications, and skills relevant to your position.

Streamline screening and find the right applicants at the very beginning of the process.


Tools for every stage of the process

From initial contact to final offer, we help recruiters identify, communicate with, and hire the best talent in logistics.

Automated Job Postings

AI capabilities to craft compelling, SEO-optimized job descriptions that resonate with the role’s requirements and the latest industry trend.

Dynamic Applicant Tracking

Predict candidates who are the most likely to excel in their roles to focus on high-potential applicants.

Personalized Candidate Communication

AI-driven personalization crafts emails that are tailored to each candidate, significantly improving engagement rates and connections.

AI-Powered Interview Scheduling

AI analyzes calendars, preferences, and historical data to ensure high attendance rates based on average availability, streamlining the scheduling process.

Collaborative Hiring

Analyze strengths, concerns, and team adaptability to facilitate a consensus-driven approach to hiring.

Advanced Compliance and Reporting

Analyze recruitment data to generate trends, biases, and areas of improvement to ensure adherence to DEI goals and refine recruitment strategies.

LE@DS+: We’re Making the Link

Oh, awesome! You’ve got an applicant for your role. But do they speak the right languages? Do they have the right certifications? Are they more about inventory or transportation. There’s two ways to find out.

The Old Way

  1. Go to a popular job-based social media site
  2. Attempt not to get distracted by posts
  3. Find your candidate, and scroll through their profile
  4. Attempt to find the right credentials and certification
  5. Get distracted by where they went to college
  6. Keep looking

The Bear Claw Way

  1. Receive sorted lead data directly
  2. 100% verified and accurate leads
  3. Determine the fit of the lead by utilizing hot match within Bear Claw’s platform.
  4. You’re still relaxing, here
  5. Talk to the best applicants out there

Let’s look at the numbers.


65% of transportation and logistics companies reported a "serious shortage" of drivers, with 38% also facing a shortage of warehouse workers.


80% of supply chain professionals plan to increase investments in digital supply chain technologies, with 56% planning to increase the use of robotics and automation.


73% of logistics companies believe that attracting and retaining talent is one of their top three challenges.

Easy on boarding for temp and seasonal jobs.

Our ATS can efficiently manage high-volume hiring during peak seasons, ensuring quick onboarding and compliance adherence for temporary workers.

Don’t waste time getting people up to speed. Get them to work.

Things change. Be ready.

Leveraging ATS analytics, logistics companies can forecast hiring needs based on historical data, enabling proactive hiring to meet future demand spikes efficiently.

Try Bear Claw and…

Be part of the next generation of talent leaders revolutionizing the recruitment industry from the inside out.

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Our BC-Agent revolutionizes recruitment with its personalized onboarding, merging technology with a human touch. Tailored welcome packets and schedules ensure new hires integrate smoothly.


Stay organized and maintain a personal touch with our platform’s end-of-day workflow report, delivered directly to your inbox, ensuring you’re always up to date and seamlessly organized.


You only use what you need. Our ATS + CRM is entirely customizable. We take away all of the unnecessary functions that you never use, ensuring you stay organized.